LGBT Therapy

Celebrating World Mental Health Day

Celebrating World Mental Health Day

While we may be more equipped to manage our mental health at different times in our life, mental health problems can become overwhelming and all-encompassing. Individuals who struggle with mental health often feel alone or like a burden to individuals in their life. Which is why many will keep their mental health in the shadows. However, mental health is something that is becoming more normalized to discuss. Which is a big part in how and why we have and should celebrate World Mental Health Day!

Finding the Right Couples Therapist

Finding the Right Couples Therapist

Keeping a relationship (or relationships if you are polyamorous) healthy and thriving takes a lot of intentional work and commitment. Even the most loving and committed relationships require occasional tune-ups or support. Finding a couples therapist that is right for you and your partner/s is important to ensure the effort you are putting in is creating the relationship you desire. Here are some tips to consider when you are searching for a couples therapist to best fit your relationship/s…

Coping with Anxiety and Stress as a LGBTQ+ Teen

Coping with Anxiety and Stress as a LGBTQ+ Teen

Here are some tips for LGBTQ+ Teens to Cope with Anxiety and Stress in 2021…

Why Engage in Talk Therapy?

Why Engage in Talk Therapy?

Learn what talk therapy is all about and if it’s right for you…

This is Me (a coming out story) by Christie Kelly

This is Me (a coming out story) by Christie Kelly

Spilove Psychotherapy is working to do a better job about lifting marginalized voices including black and queer voices. One way we are working to do this is by highlighting and featuring these marginalized voices in our newsletter, blog and other social media platforms. We asked our friend, Christie if she would be willing to share her coming out with us for pride month and to use our platform to post about her small music business.

Working with a Graduate Level Therapist in Philadelphia, PA

Working with a Graduate Level Therapist in Philadelphia, PA

We know it can feel a bit uncertain to see a counselor “in training”, but there can be many benefits that may go unnoticed. We want to provide you the low down on what it actually means to see a graduate level therapist.