queer therapy

What Is Gender Affirming Therapy?

What Is Gender Affirming Therapy?

LGBTQ therapy in Philadelphia goes beyond a therapist who just accepts your sexuality or gender identity/expression for what it is. LGBTQ affirmative therapy is about approaching your gender identity with care, cultural competency, and awareness. Click here to learn more about what LGBTQ affirming therapy is and how you can find an LGBTQ therapist in Philadelphia today.

How To Find An LGBTQ Friendly Therapist

How To Find An LGBTQ Friendly Therapist

When it comes to therapy, no therapist is one size fits all and this is especially true for individuals part of the LGBTQ community. Finding an LGBTQ affirming-therapist in Philadelphia that not only accepts your gender identity or expression, but truly understands the unique set of struggles and challenges you face is hard. So, you might be wondering, Okay, how do I find an LGBTQ friendly therapist? Are there queer therapists in Philadelphia that I can trust? Luckily, for you, we are going to talk about tips and tricks of what you should be looking for when searching for an LGBTQ therapist near you and how an LGBTQ friendly therapist can help you!

Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

The month of May is Mental Health Awareness month. This month not only allows us to educate and raise awareness surrounding mental health and treatment options, but it focuses on reducing the stigma associated with mental illness. There are so many misconceptions and stigmas surrounding mental health issues and that is a major reason why many who suffer from mental health issues suffer in silence.