group therapy

Eating Disorder Recovery Support Group: Connecting with Others to FINALLY Connect with Your Body

Eating Disorder Recovery Support Group: Connecting with Others to FINALLY Connect with Your Body

In a time when we are more isolated than we have ever been before, you may be thinking you’re the only one who feels that keeping up with recovery is really hard right now. Yet I promise you, you are not alone. Whether that’s thinking about food and your body a lot or feeling completely overwhelmed or confused by all the diet content out there as we enter a new year, know that there is someone out there who is feeling the SAME way you are right now. Learn how to access community to boost your eating disorder community

Is Group Therapy Right for Me? : The Benefits of Group Therapy for Grief and Trauma Recovery

Is Group Therapy Right for Me? : The Benefits of Group Therapy for Grief and Trauma Recovery

The prospect of entering into group therapy can be intimidating. I know it can feel scary, and, perhaps it could be an important step in your recovery. Important steps are often scary. So, if you can relate to this blog, maybe group therapy is right for you!

Telehealth - Therapy During COVID-19 Quarantine by Julia Salerno, Villanova Graduate Student

Telehealth - Therapy During COVID-19 Quarantine by Julia Salerno, Villanova Graduate Student

You might be thinking in yourself, “ok, so my therapy sessions have been canceled, what do I do now?” Or maybe you were thinking of beginning therapy, but due to the current circumstances you feel that you have to, yet again, place your mental health on the back burner. Well, technically that is not the case, you can in fact continue your mental health care or begin your journey via telehealth!

6 Ways to Break Free from Body Shame

6 Ways to Break Free from Body Shame

Change your negative body image thoughts and induce self-love and acceptance.  Body image Support Group beginning March 7, 2020 in Philadelphia!

You're So Queer by Megan Speir

You're So Queer by Megan Speir

When presented with all the colors fo the LGBT Rainbow during pride month, some folx question themselves “Am I queer enough to … (insert action here).” Here’s what our Director of Sexuality, Megan Speir, has to say about that…