temper tantrum

6 Ways to Eliminate a Power Struggle with Your Child by Alli Domers, MSS

6 Ways to Eliminate a Power Struggle with Your Child by Alli Domers, MSS

Power struggles naturally occur between parents and children when children are not listening and parents try to control them. Here are some helpful strategies to approach these difficult moments…

The Truth About The Terrible Twos by Alli Domers, MSS

The Truth About The Terrible Twos by Alli Domers, MSS

Did your child tantrum at age two, two and a half or even three? If not, is your child tantruming now? When children tantrum at an older age it is often a result of skipping a normal developmental stage called, Rapprochement. I am sure you have heard of the “terrible twos” and the bad rap that comes along with temper tantrums.