emotional trauma

Healing from Sacral Chakra Trauma: Nurturing Emotional Well-being

Healing from Sacral Chakra Trauma: Nurturing Emotional Well-being

Healing sacral chakra trauma involves self-exploration, self-compassion, creative expression, and embracing sensuality for chakra realignment. Visit our blog for more insights.

Women's Mental Health—A Guide to Finding Therapy in Philadelphia

Women's Mental Health—A Guide to Finding Therapy in Philadelphia

If you're a woman in Philadelphia seeking therapy and are curious about how therapy can help you, look no further. Click on this blog to learn more about the powerful and transformative effects of therapy specifically tailored to support and empower women in their unique journeys towards healing and growth.

Trauma & Sleep—6 Sleep Tips

Trauma & Sleep—6 Sleep Tips

Many people who have been through trauma have trouble sleeping. Our bodies stay tense and alert, making it hard to relax and feel connected to ourselves. This constant state of "being on guard" continues to affect us even after the danger is gone. So, what can you do when you're scared to fall asleep? How can you start to improve your relationship with sleep and have peaceful nights? Well, it's not easy because trauma-related sleep problems can feel overwhelming. But there are effective strategies to address and improve your sleep quality.